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Tag: Taylor Swift

The new era of Taylor Swift is here. Gone are the snakes and dark colors. In exchange, it appears to be all butterflies and pastels. You don't see me complaining over here. While I did love the dark Taylor...
Asking to list your top three Taylor Swift music videos is like asking someone to solve a complicated geometry problem. It's not easy, and it requires a whole lot of brain power and contemplation. However, we always have those...
So, if you haven't heard the rumors swirling around about Taylor Swift possibly releasing her seventh album, then where have you been? Seriously, though. If you haven't, well, there are rumors that she may be dropping a single as...
Taylor Swift has made the comeback of the decade, if we say so ourselves, which we do. Three years was just way too long to wait for a new Taylor song and music video. Her new song, "Look What...
Here at Hollywood News Source, we're huge Swifties. So in honor of Taylor announcing the release date of her sixth album (YAY!), we chose the top 5 songs that make us break out into song and dance. And make...

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