This Amazon Prime sports documentary tells the story of a mild-mannered French coach who not only came to manage, but also revolutionised one of it's most illustrious football teams: Arsenal Football Club....
Netflix and ESPN bring you a 10-part documentary 'The Last Dance,' showcasing the story behind the rise of Michael Jordan (left) and the Chicago Bulls basketball team into prominence, iconic status, and a...
A long time ago, in a decade (that feels) far, far away before comic cons and cosplay were common, lived a tribe of Super Fans known as "Trekkies." These fans revered and reveled in a show called "Star Trek." ...
We had the opportunity to interview the talented Bethany Hamilton at the premiere of her new documentary, "Bethany Hamilton: Unstoppable". Check your local theaters for showtimes!
Film Synopsis: Bethany Hamilton lost her arm to a tiger shark at age 13, but...
HNS recently attended the LA premiere of the documentary film MAGICIANS: LIFE IN THE IMPOSSIBLE. Check out our review of the film below!
More than ever magic is back in the forefront of entertainment with films such as Now You See Me,...
We caught up with actress and activist Susan Sarandon at the LA premiere of documentary 'How to Let Go of the World and Love All the Things Climate Can't Change.' Check out our interview below and be sure to...
We caught up with actress and activist Shailene Woodley at the LA premiere of documentary 'How to Let Go of the World and Love All the Things Climate Can't Change.' Check out our interview below and be sure to...