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Before I start this review, I'd like to note I don't remember the last book I read. Nonetheless, the last book I read where I was at work and was like to my coworker, "I can't wait...
We received an advanced copy of the novel "Big Swiss" in exchange for a review of the novel. Read our review below to see why we recommend you grab your copy as soon as it's released on...
"Marlowe Banks, Redesigned" by Jacqueline Firkins Rating: 4.5/5 As I'm typing this, I am embarrassed to admit I have not read a book in over a year. However, after finishing "Marlowe Banks, Redesigned,"...
Lately, I have been notorious for starting a book and then never finishing it. However, though it's been quite some time, I have finally finished a book from cover to cover. That book is "Would Like...
Well Suited, the final standalone in the Red Lipstick Coalition Series from Staci Hart, is available now! REVIEW *ARC provided in exchange of honest review* Characters: Kate was a female character who didn't need a knight-in-shining-armor. She was independent, smart, quirky and...
I devoured this book. Seriously, I read close to 300 pages in one day, which I have not done since high school. It was a big deal to me, but My Favorite One-Night Stand just kept me flipping the pages. There's...
Anna and the Apocalypse is soon to hit theaters, and we were lucky enough to be given a review copy of the novel in preparation for the film's release. Read on for our thoughts on the book!   Anna and the Apocalypse, Orion...

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