EXCLUSIVE Photos from ‘Stand Up For Pits’ Hollywood Event w/ Kaley Cuoco, Ricki Lake & More!


HNS attended the Stand Up For Pits Hollywood charity event last week, and was on the red carpet to bring you some spectacular exclusive photos. Several celebrities came out in support of this amazing cause including The Big Bang Theory‘s Kaley Cuoco, Founder/ Comedian Rebecca Corry, Ricki Lake, Chad Roberts, Lexi Noel, Taylor Hay, Chris Williams, Paw Works Founder Chad Atkins, Alex Skuby, Mo Collins, Hunter Sansone, Cheri Oteri & more! See below for the exclusive photos. 


About the Stand Up For Pits Foundation: 
*Pulled directly from their website*

The Stand Up For Pits Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit dedicated to saving lives and ending the abuse and discrimination of “Pitbull type dogs” (Pibbles) through live events, funds, education and advocacy.  We don’t limit the way we advocate or save lives. We believe in new ways, new thinking and new change, and are committed to empowering others to do the same until abuse and discrimination against our beautiful breed ends.

The Stand Up For Pits Foundation supports Pit Bull type dog rescues around the country by raising funds, providing publicity opportunities and Pibble adoptions at the Stand Up For Pits live events (to read just some of the Foundation success stories go to www.standupforpits.us/sufp-success-stories).

The Foundation donates to and supports educational programs and front line rescue efforts.  We advocate, educate and save lives and we will continue to focus our efforts to end dog fighting, abuse and discrimination. Most all of what we do will be made public, but some efforts will not. Certain aspects of fighting abuse can be damaged if made public and we will always do what is best for the cause.

To learn more about the live events produced by the Foundation go to www.standupforpits.us/one-million-pibble-march-on-washington-dc and www.standupforpits.us/stand-up-for-pits-events

100% of funds raised go directly to the SUFP Foundation.  We are very pleased with the growth and support of the Foundation from people in and outside of the animal community.  We are proud of  the impact we’ve had and change we have created and inspired in such a short period of time.  That shows us people want to take action and that behavior we strongly encourage as if we are to ever get law makers to end BSL and get off the giant hamster wheel that is rescue we must ALL do what we can.  We are a solution driven Foundation open to new ways of doing things.  We understand this is a long journey and we are dedicated to ending the abuse and discrimination of Pit Bull type dogs and by doing so improving the safety of communities for humans and pets.

We believe what is happening to Pit Bull “type” dogs is not just an animal issue but very much a direct reflection of a broken society thus making it EVERYONE’s problem. While we are members of the animal community we are members of society first and feel a responsibility as members of our society to not tolerate hate and discrimination.

Visit the Stand Up for Pits website to see how you can make a donation or get involved in supporting these precious dogs today!