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5-star books are sometimes hard to come by, but when you read "The Unhoneymooners" by Christina Lauren, you'll understand why this book deserves the 5-star rating. After all, Christina Lauren are the...
Before I start this review, I'd like to note I don't remember the last book I read. Nonetheless, the last book I read where I was at work and was like to my coworker, "I can't wait...
Lately, I have been notorious for starting a book and then never finishing it. However, though it's been quite some time, I have finally finished a book from cover to cover. That book is "Would Like...
Well Suited, the final standalone in the Red Lipstick Coalition Series from Staci Hart, is available now! Chemistry is my love language. I’ve always been able to separate feelings from chemosignals. A shot of dopamine, a dash of serotonin, and a sprinkle...
So, this is the first book from Staci Hart that I read. And not to be that basic person who says this, but it won't be my last. I devoured this book, and every time I had a break...
"Dating You / Hating You" by Christina Lauren was a book I definitely needed to read. It was funny, empowering and cute all rolled into one. Plus, the characters didn't annoy me, and I want to be Evie when...

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