Michael B. Jordan makes his directorial debut in spectacular fashion, with the third installment of the franchise that propelled him to become a superstar, which is ironic because...
Michael B. Jordan returns as Adonis Creed in his directorial debut in 'CREED 3' with this time his adversary coming in the form Jonathan Majors- (Loki, The Harder They Fall), as Damian Anderson in the trilogy...
KILLMONGER, CATWOMAN, GENERAL ZOD AND DARTH VADER: Examples of creating and setting the standard for Iconic on screen villains in Sci-Fi and comic book genres in movies. Read on to understand why we've chosen these as the...
Ultimate examples of how to bring back iconic movie franchises successfully.
Within the last 3 years, 2 legendary film franchises have been brought back into the public consciousness, which...