Hollywood News Source’ Favorite Books of 2015: Part Two


Favorite Books Part 2

This is the last part of Hollywood News Source Favorite Books of 2015. In cased you missed the first part yesterday, you can see it here. From bingeing Melina Marchetta’s contemporary books and her highly acclaimed The Lumatere Chronicles to Ally Carter’s Heist Society and Gallagher Girlsback to The Queen’s Thief by by Megan Whalen Turner to Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan. It seems last year has been quite a ride for me. I’m so excited to share the rest of my favorites!


End of Days (Penryn & the End of Days #3) by Susan Ee

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Most trilogies usually start with a bang, but when it comes to the conclusion, it becomes a train wreck. Susan Ee surpassed that wildest expectation without even trying. End of Days is not to be missed.

Fans of Ee will certainly won’t be disappointed in this swashbuckling conclusion.



20698530P.S. I Still Love You (To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before #2) by Jenny Han

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This book does many explosive things to my heart.

What I adored about this series is the fundamental role of Lara Jean’s dad and sisters to the story. I’ve seen some readers begging to read more books that include parents in the plot. And hey! this is the book for you. They are integral part of the story just as much as the protagonist.

We have a Korean American main character(s). Lara Jean and the Song sisters heritage are essential to the story. Han explores some of the common Korean culture. I’m certain micro aggression was also briefly covered in the first book. It’s amazing, even if it doesn’t take a reign over the plot.

P. S. I Still Love You is a satisfying conclusion.



If You Find Me by Emily Murdoch

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If You Find Me focuses on two sisters fierce love for each other, who are making a life and family for themselves in the real world. It explores abuse, and the aftermath of going through that seclusion. A very highly recommendable read.







Fuel the Fire (Calloway Sisters #3) by Krista Ritchie & Becca Ritchie

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Reading Fuel the Fire is like coming home after a very long emotional taxing day. And you simply know it is there, silently hovering in the background, sitting in your bed, waiting to be read and to make your life, a little less miserable. I guess, I would always associate this series as home, my safety place.

Fuel the Fire is exactly what I expected from Krista & Becca. It is filled with love, friendship and so much more.




Black Iris by Leah Raeder

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Black Iris is not only provocative and alluring, but it also explores sexuality, the sexy side of f/f romance which every genre lacks, the gritty, reality about mental illness, homophobia and drugs.

Plenty of things struck me the most about Black Iris, one of those is, it is beautifully written. I love the pretentious, lyrical, sexy tone of the book. It is poetic and that made a lasting impression on me.



Charm & Strange by Stephanie Kuehn

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Charm & Strange is precisely what the book promises itself to be. It ischarming, accompanied by luscious writing. And it is strange. The story’s narration is something, a reader need to fully immerse and grasp before one can truly comprehend what is going on. It’s also sad, brutal and unflinchingly honest.

Charm & Strange tackled this story with so much humanity and anguish and were supplemented by depressing, sordid details. While I had seen the twists coming, I was still impressed how it was delivered.

I cried so many tears at that ending. What an impressive debut from Kuehn. This won’t certainly be my last book by her.

22571605Girl Underwater by Claire Kells

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Girl Underwater is a magnificent debut. Kells delivered a believable plane crash and survival story. She supplemented the book with genuine facts and emotion, that would make readers root for the characters. Aside from the survival aspect of the story, Avery’s state of being also played a huge role in the plot. How she’s coping after the plane crash, is she suffering PSTD?  Girl Underwater managed that part very well with so much grace and accurate sentiment.

I’m very excited to see where Kells would go next.

26126152An Eternity of Eclipse by Con Template

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This book follows the story of Grace Hwang, who was accused of murdering her entire family at the age of six. She has sadistic tendencies and she lives off knowing everyone around her is in misery. Then she met, a Demon who covets her soul. To sum it up, its a paranormal romance and it gives you glimpse about the nature of demons. Compared to your standard Adult paranormal books, this one is actually starring by Korean characters and it is set in Korea.





The Summer of Chasing Mermaids by Sarah Ockler

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The Summer of Chasing Mermaids is a slow burn story. An achingly beautiful tale. And if you have a time to spare, you should certainly give the acknowledgement a read.

To sum it up, The Summer of Chasing Mermaids is a book you should not miss. There is romance, great friendships and wide variety of diverse and rich characters. This novel is tragic, exquisite and uplifting all rolled in one.