“Six” The Musical Review: Fierce, Fun & Historical


“Six” The Musical Rating: 5/5

“Six” is a musical chronicling the lives of Henry VIII’s six wives. Hence, the title of the musical. How exactly did all of his wives fare after their marriage with Henry VIII? Well, you find out within the musical, running about an hour and a half. The women make it a competition of sorts — letting the audience choose who had it worse with Henry VIII. Overall, a good ole time!

The performance I went to see was in Milwaukee and is part of the touring group of “Six.”

The music is FIRE. There is simply no other way to describe it. However, I will go into detail because this is a review.

Each woman gets to sing there own song, as well as an amazing introduction song highlighting how each woman fared, ranging from divorced, beheaded, survived. The wives all take inspiration from famous female artists, making each song uniquely different.

Ever since seeing the musical, I have been listening to the soundtrack on REPEAT. The songs are so catchy, and some of the songs even sprinkle humor throughout. Not only do the songs contain humor, but history is also detailed. You learn a lot about each woman in their songs. There’s a lot I did not know, including learning about women who I never heard of.

The women are not on stage alone, as there is a band that plays along with them. Making the performance even cooler, if that’s at all possible.

Did I mention this is an all-female cast? Heck yeah!

The costumes are also a work of art. The different colors on stage makes it so appealing to watch as they move around stage. Plus, they’re super glittery, so that makes it even more appealing to the eye. I’m seriously considering the costumes for Halloween this year.

While there’s not change of set or any costume changes, this shouldn’t deter you. This is a one act show with no intermission, and it goes by quickly. The transitions between songs is so cohesive, you won’t even notice it’s set to the same setting. The story is powerful enough.

The musical will make you want to research all about Henry VIII’s six wives. Of course, most know the name Ann Boleyn, but there there are a couple of wives I never even knew about. The history runs deep with these women, and how the musical chronicles each story is informative but in a fun way. You’ll not only leave “Six” singing the songs, but you’ll leave with new knowledge about the misfortunes that befell each of the women.

If you get a chance to see “Six,” I would 100% recommend. It’s definitely become my favorite musical of all time, and I am tempted to see it again.

Read more from Hollywood News Source here.