EXCLUSIVE: CIDER SKY Discuss Their 12|4|12 Project And Debut “Wish You Were Here”


Simon Wilcox and Shridhar Solanki aka CIDER SKY.

Last month following a lengthy musical “dry-spell,” our thirst was quenched with the release of CIDER SKY’s newest single “Pride”! Well HNS is excited to report that another new song from the pair is now available on iTunes, “Wish You Were Here”. Wilcox and Solanki graciously agreed to answer a few questions concerning their latest musical endeavors, so here you go:

HNS: We’ve read on your Instagram that you will be releasing one song every month for 12 months, is this true?

CIDER SKY: That’s true. Rather than asking our fans to wait for an album, we wanted to include them in the process of writing and recording.

HNS: Any music videos in the works?

CIDER SKY: Yes, we’ve just started talking to directors and discussing video concepts.

HNS: Any future performances/tours?

CIDER SKYWe WILL tour, we’re really excited to connect with our fans around the world, but at the moment the 12 | 4 | 12 project (twelve songs for twelve months) is our priority. 

HNS: Is there anything special about these first two singles that you would like to share?

CIDER SKY: “Pride” is a departure for us, because our songs are normally much happier. It’s a song about desire and rejection. It came out as a relationship song, but for us it’s really about living the lives of artists.

HNS: And “Wish You Were Here”?

CIDER SKY: “Wish You Were Here” is a collaboration with two amazing writer/ producers Thomas “Tawgs” Salter and Mike Wise. It’s about the moments in life that will never be recaptured and the friends you lose touch with along the way. It’s so intense, to have profound, life changing experiences with people, and then one day realize you just aren’t really friends anymore. Growing up isn’t always about growing apart – but sometimes that’s inevitable. Maybe you move away, or make really different life choices. Anyway, this song is about longing for the people you lost (or who lost you) along the way.  

Make sure and purchase your copies of both singles now on iTunes, they are fantastic!!! Also, check in with us next month when we discuss Song #3 of the 12 | 4 | 12 project. Happy CIDER SKY listening everyone!!!