Home Monthly Anticipated

Monthly Anticipated

The school break for high school and college students has officially begun. For the month of June, Hollywood News Source is sharing 32 releases we are anticipating. Our recommendations range from middle grade to adult books.  This collection would be perfect to...
It's better late than never! Hollywood News Source has compiled 27 of our most anticipated reads for this month of May. It ranges from Young Adult to Adult books. This list is a great primer for the summer. For instance,...
It's better late than ever! Hollywood News Source is here to share our monthly anticipated releases for September. It's jam packed by 57 new titles from debut authors to veterans. We have a new series from Marie Lu titled 'Warcross', the sequel...
As my ban.do planner would advise for the month of April, "be you not them." That's definitely what I've been doing to freshen up this year. Are you ready for your whole month to change? Well yeah, you should...
Hollywood News Source is back this 2019! We are staring our nerdy shenanigans with January's Monthly Anticipated books, where we featured 30 titles from Young Adult to Middle Grade that we cannot wait to get our hands on.   Readers could...
Happy 4th of July to our American readers! We hope you're having a lovely summer soaking in the sun celebrating this festive-summer season with your family and friends. Of course, the month wouldn't start and end without Hollywood News Source compiling...
February is not only the month of hearts, we also celebrate Black History Month. In Hollywood News Source, we always aim to include diverse voices. We believe that books are a significant platform in embracing visibility. In this political climate,...
March is the beginning of spring and it's also the season where college students are taking their well deserved spring break. What's the perfect way to celebrate the third month of 2017? Of course, with none other than book releases! Hollywood News Source compiled 18 of...

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