Title: The Unforgettables Author: G.L. Tomas Genre: Young Adult Pages: 215 Year:  2016 Publisher: Purchased Source: Purchased Amazon l B & N  l Book Depository l Goodreads Synopsis: The summer vacation of The Unforgettables... Neighbors and best friends Paul and Felicia hoped they'd be friends forever. But as they change, so...
Title: Infini Author: Krista Ritchie & Becca Ritchie Genre: New Adult Pages: 465 Year:  2017 Publisher: Purchased Source: ARC provided by the author Amazon l B&N l Book Depository l Goodreads Synopsis: Some love is infinite “Don’t have a best friend that’s a girl” — this was the advice from...
Title: How to Keep a Boy from Kissing You (Aurora Skye #1) Author:  Tara Eglington Genre: Young Adult Pages: 320 Year:  2016 Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin Source: Netgalley Amazon l B & N  l Book Depository l Goodreads Synopsis: That’s Aurora Skye’s big secret. And the way she wants it...
Title: The Bone Witch Author: Rin Chupeco Genre: Young Adult Pages: 400 Year:  2017 Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire Source: Netgalley Amazon l B&N l Book Depository l Goodreads Synopsis: The beast raged; it punctured the air with its spite. But the girl was fiercer. Tea is different from the other witches in...
Title: The Last Time I'll Write About You Author: Dawn Lanuza Genre: Poetry Pages: 79 Year:  2016 Publisher: Self Published Source: Purchased Amazon l B & N  l Book Depository l Goodreads Synopsis: Should I be Thankful Or Regretful That my only idea Of love Is You? Reviewer’s Thoughts: SUNBEAM You light up the room Wherever you go With your wit and...
February is the shortest month of the year, but it's arguably one of the most important. One of my favorite things about February is Valentine's day. It has nothing to do with romantic love, it's more about the festive feeling...
It's been two months since the home order has been issued for most states and countries as a preemptive measure against this pandemic.  It's important more than ever to support our local communities and be kind to one another....
Anna and the Apocalypse is soon to hit theaters, and we were lucky enough to be given a review copy of the novel in preparation for the film's release. Read on for our thoughts on the book!   Anna and the Apocalypse, Orion...
“If he didn’t find a way to feed her, she’d be dead before the Hunger Games even began.”  Cover art for the North American first edition We all know where...
In today's world of Instagram perfection and ultimate glam, sometimes it's truly a relief to see a celebrity who embraces their weird. And no one does this as delightfully as Jeff Goldblum. While Goldblum is undeniably a mainstream star...

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