10 #Romanceclass Books We Are Planning to Read



As part of Filipino American History Month, today I’ll be sharing my top ten TBR books from #romanceclass.

It is a website and community that specifically focuses on highlighting independently published books from Filipino authors. So far, I’ve only come to read books by Mina Esguerra, Six de los Reyes, and Agay Llanera. Though one thing is for sure, I want to read more from this genre.

Below, you could see what’s on my TBR list.


What About Today by Dawn Lanuza

Who wouldn’t’ fall in love with that pastel cover? The premise seems to offer a ride to the possibility of vanilla friendship or romance. That is instantly a yes for me!


Aiden’s stuck working for his family’s amusement park, Funtastic World, for the whole summer. Nothing amuses him, until he met this terrified girl.

Gemma’s stuck in Funtastic World thinking she could handle the park’s rides. She couldn’t. Good thing she met someone to guide her.

As the day comes to a close, Aiden and Gemma ask themselves if one day is ever enough to decide if they were better off as friends or strangers.


Settle the Score by Tara Frejas

If there’s one thing I dreaded in high school it would be P.E., there’s no lost love between sports and I. Ironically, I love reading sports books that have a romance subplot.I hope this book would serve what I’m looking for!


College senior Garnet Figueroa lives and breathes basketball. A reliable asset to her varsity team, she is equipped with the skills and smarts to get the De La Sierra Lady Hunters closer to this year’s championship title. But Garnet soon finds out that her good friend (and long-time crush), cheerdancer Charles Crisostomo, is being cheated on by his girl, and she lets her emotions get the best of her. Will she be able to come up with a game plan to save herself from heartbreak before the buzzer signals Game Over?

tumblr_o063pa8nqe1u3sr2qo1_1280Other Than Easy by Laney Castro

My interest piqued at the suggestion of an Ice Queen for a main protagonist. I can’t wait to see how this story will turn out!



Number one on Emma’s to-do list upon arriving in Geneva is to buy a yacht for her employer. Not that Emma’s daunted; she’s got ice in her veins. From business deals to personal relationships, she knows she’s got her priorities straight.


But it’s not just Kastler’s yacht that has caught her eye. The dark and handsome businessman is making Emma break every rule she has. Will one moment of passion be enough to tear down her walls?


Plain Vanilla by Ines Bautista-Yao

My friend Sil from The Book Voyagers recommended this short story to me. I love the cover and it seems a quirky read. I’m excited to get my hands on it.


Despite her quirky name and equally quirky family, 16-year-old Tempest Juan knows she’s ordinary. After reading a comment on Facebook which likened her to vanilla ice cream, Tempest decides she has to do something about it or be forever branded as plain, lukewarm, and well, vanilla. It doesn’t help that the comment was made by Paco Lorenzo, her cousin’s cute friend (no longer cute in her book!). When she happens upon a book of dares, she decides to attempt each one, no matter how hard. This is her personality at stake, after all. But somehow, Paco, the cause of all this, finds a way to be at every dare Tempest attempts, confusing her and forcing her to question what’s really going on inside her heart.

tumblr_nth35z3muh1u3sr2qo1_1280Submission Moves by Camilla Sisco

I’m not a fan of BDSM, but my interest elevated after reading “snarky feminist with a huge chip on her shoulder.” I just know I have to get this.


They have nothing in common except for one night in Vegas.

Rose Shannon should have known better. One look at the gorgeous and rough-hewn MMA fighter and she should have run in the other direction. Instead she gets into bed with him, and now she can’t get him out of her mind.

MMA fighter Niccolo Rossi is used to having women throw themselves at him all the time…until she comes along. A snarky feminist with a huge chip on her shoulder, Rose and her bafflingly infuriating ways should have turned him off completely. Instead he finds everything about her irresistible.

With the attraction between them too strong to withstand, it’s only a question of when she becomes his.

tumblr_nf0f2ji3681u3sr2qo1_1280The Real Score by Kesh Tanglao

If there’s one thing I love is music. I’m getting an OMG moment right now, because I really want this book, I love that there’s a hint of tension and second chance romance.


Caitlin’s friendship with Marcus, the de facto frontman of the world’s biggest boy band Gezellig, has long been an object of scrutiny by almost everyone–their friends and families, the media, and his fans–ever since they “went public” a couple of years back. Who wouldn’t be interested? She was a nobody, catapulted into the limelight of his fame when he struck an unusual friendship with her.

To both Caitlin and Marcus, what they have is a “perfect little thing.” But then something comes along and threatens it.

In a no-holds-barred interview, will they finally be forced to settle the score?

tumblr_nf0i9tx9jt1u3sr2qo1_1280The Kitchen When it Sizzles by Chrissie Peria

This year has a been illuminating, I binged Amour et Chocolat by Laura Florand. I love and dig it a lot, I found myself falling in love with food and romance even more. I could only cross my fingers this book would have the same effect with me.


Olivia Nadal is an almost perfect girl with an almost perfect life. She has stunning good looks, an exciting job that pays well, men lining up to date her, and a homey little condo she calls her own. The only thing keeping her from perfection is her utter inability to cook.

Enter Nate Olivarez, a hotshot chef who’s filling in for Olivia’s cooking instructor. Sparks fly when they meet, but a fling with the visiting hottie is the last thing Olivia needs. But as things keep heating up in the kitchen, she can’t help but wonder. Can things work out between her and Nate? Or is the sizzle all set to fizzle?

tumblr_o3fv4pb6wh1u3sr2qo1_1280Well Played by Katrina Ramos Atienza

This book screams a-hate-to-love trope that is bordering the nerdy vibes. I am nothing, but weak for that.


Patrice Reyes is starting her junior year at the University and she’s convinced it’s going to be the best semester ever. For starters, it looks like this is the year her team will win the regional football (soccer, for you Yanks) championships. Her subjects are looking good, and there’s even a chance she might finally get somewhere with her rock star crush. But a new classmate—arrogant, cold math nerd—is seriously throwing off her groove. Will she ever get rid of him and have the awesome semester she deserves? Or is there truth to never judging (math) books by their cover?


Songs of Our Breakup by Jay E Tria

I am very curious about this book. I love female characters who stitches themselves back together. I’m excited to see how the romance would play out.


Every breakup has its playlist. How do you get over a seven-year relationship? 21-year-old Jill is trying to find out. But moving on is a harder job when Kim, her ex-boyfriend, is the lead guitarist of the band, and Jill is the vocalist. Every song they play together feels like slicing open a barely healed tattoo. Jill’s best friend Miki says she will be out of this gloom soon. Breakups have a probation period, he says. Jill is on the last month of hers and Miki is patiently keeping her company. But the real silver lining is Shinta. Having a hot Japanese actor friend in times like these is a welcome distraction. This gorgeous celebrity has been defying time zones and distance through the years to be there for Jill. Now he is here, physically present, and together he and Jill go through old lyrics, vivid memories, walks in the rain, and bottles of beer. Together they try to answer the question: what do you do when forever ends?


Tame the Kitten by Bianca Mori

This book is calling for me. *throws money*


Kit Torres can’t believe her awful luck when she’s assigned to babysit a motorcycling superstar for her boss. But sexy sparks fly when he teaches her all about the finer aspects of control. Can Kit keep her cool when the race starts to heat up?

Fab Magnani lives on the edge of disaster – he makes a good living out of it as a pro racer. Will his instincts for squeezing out of danger serve him when he comes face to face with an Puerto Rican spitfire who takes an instant dislike to him?

Which #romanceclass book are you planning to read this month?