We at HNS were invited to a early multimedia screening by Warner Bros to watch the Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga, the new installment of the legendary franchise and dystopian world...
"The Super Mario Bros. Movie" Rating: 4/5
Crazy to think that 2023 is the first time we have Mario and Luigi on screen (disregarding the 1993 adaption). But here we are!
"The Menu" Rating: 4/5
With the amount of content I explore, I really appreciate when a story can be original and clever. "The Menu" is just that — it...
Jane Austen's comedy comes to life in this colorful new film by director Autumn de Wilde. Hollywood News Source got a sneak peek of bonus features from the DVD/Blu-ray.
Universal Studios was kind enough to provide Hollywood News Source an advanced copy of the Blu-ray + DVD “Glass,” written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan and starring James McAvoy, Samuel L. Jackson, Bruce Willis, Sarah Paulson and Anya-Taylor...