HNS Blogging: Creature of Reading Habit


Creature of Habit

Are you a creature of habit? Do you have any reading routines? Any ceremony you usually do while reading a book? I recently noticed a new found discovery. Through the years I’ve been doing a cycle of motion. They slowly become process turned into rituals. I’ll be dishing some of my reading quirks below.

According to my friends, I am a fast reader compared to an average. There’s no competition here, folks, just stating the truth. My secret? For the love of god, I can’t stay put. I have to finish my current read pronto. I have this theory that if I open a new book, it would mess with my head or I’m going to like it less. Of course, there’s a few exceptions. If I’m reading a book with more than five hundred pages or so, I tend to savor it slowly. Sometimes it would take me five days to two weeks. It depends how much I like it.

Victoria Schwab

My non spoilery Goodreads' updates for The Unbound by Victoria Schwab

Aside from being a fast reader. I have a short attention span, my mind tends to wander off. My solution? I’m going to tweet or text back my friends. This is my me time or, I’m going to update my Goodreads’ status. This is vital, especially if something embarrassing happened to the main character, and I had to take a very long walk to avoid the inevitable secondhand embarrassment. Fun fact: my friends and I tend to get overboard when reading, we create special groupchat to throw around our feelings. I call this Fizzle Reads’s coping mechanism.

The Wrath and the Dawn

My book collection of The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh, 
accompanied by stickie notes, and Shazi-esque bookmark.

If I’m reading using my e-reader, bookmarking my favorite passage is particularly easy. However, when I’m reading with my physical copy, it’s difficult. I’m not the type who’d dog-ear my copy or use a highlighter. Thankfully, I found a much stress free solution. I started using bookmark stickies. They come from different designs and themes. You can buy them for $1 in eBay, sometimes Target’s dollar spot carries them.

Now, I’ll be spilling what I commonly do after I finished reading a book. Compared to the first part, this one would be pretty lengthy, and it would involve a lot of creeping in.

Processed with VSCO


My reading, and social media essentials.

When I genuinely enjoyed a book, I do a lot of things that show my appreciation towards the story, and the author as well. I will search if the author has a website. This one is highly recommended and every writer must have.

I’m going to browse if they have any upcoming books or events, if they have a backlist, bonus content for readers, and what’s their social media accounts. I also love stumbling to old blog posts. If I’m lucky the author talked about some fun facts about crafting their stories and characters. I simply love quirky additional details. If they have a twitter, Goodreads’ account, or newsletter, you can expect me to click the follow, become a fan, and sign up button.

In addition, I like employing my own sleuthing skills. I make a great effort to support the people who also like the book. Per instance, I’ll go to Tumblr, and browse the tag and reblog the things that I like such as book photography, fan-arts, and etc. I also go to Instagram, and like the pictures. Sometimes, I’ll personally reach out to other readers to discuss my feelings.

After I write my own review, I’d lastly go to Goodreads. In that case, I’ll steer clear accidentally imitating a peer’s response.

Sorcerer to the Crown by Zen Cho

READ IN 2016: Sorcerer to the Crown by Zen Cho is also posted at Tumblr.

This is where it gets fun. This is my favorite part! I like making a fan-art, since I’m not adept at drawing I settle down at making a picspam. For those who don’t know what picspam is, it’s a collage of pictures that symbolizes the story. See the images I provided above.

This is liberating, and I’ve received countless of messages from Tumblr bloggers that told me they picked up a book, because they really liked my picspam. I personally think, this is a great way to promote a book. There’s a huge reading community in Tumblr, and they gravitate towards fanart. You can see my comprehensive bookish tags that I have here.


Listen to SHE’S A GIRL AND SO AM I on 8tracks


Similar to picspam, I also love making fanmix. It’s a collection of songs honoring the theme of the book. I love listening to music, and combining my love for reading. It’s a perfect combination. SHE’S A GIRL AND SO AM I: mix for girls who like girls are one of my fanmix that got 400 hearts, 3K plays, and 3K notes. It’s based on Under the Lights by Dahlia Adler.


Some Kind of Perfect

My bookstagram post of Some Kind of Perfect by Krista and Becca Ritchie, 
the conclusion in Addicted series. See the original post on instagram.

In addition to making bookish art, writing reviews, I also relish in taking book photography. They are posted in my Instagram account, Tumblr, and Twitter. This particular process is mostly aimed at book community in Instagram. Taking book pictures is not easy. It’s a constant source of delight and frustration for me.


My pinterest board for The Secret of a Heart Note by Stacey Lee, an upcoming 
contemporary YA from Katherine Tegen Books. Follow my board here.

One of my bookish resolutions is to make a Pinterest board for every book that I like. This technique will definitely come in handy when making a picspam. It doesn’t hurt, they’re also great to look at.

Bonus: Flip book. I love personalized gifts. I made this letter esque for Maggie Hall. The theme is inspired by her YA international thriller, The Conspiracy of Us. 

Are you a creature of habit? Do you have any reading process, you’d like to share? Write them in the comment section below.

About the Author

7dVr3HIhSue discovered the magical world filled with words at a young age. They have been her constant companion ever since. In addition to being a full time bookworm, and a dessert enthusiastic, she also runs the first fansite for Vampire Academy’s Lucy Fry called Lucy Fry Source. When she’s not tucked between the pages of her books, you can find her at her personal blog. You can also follow Sue on instagram and goodreads.

See the rest of Kerly Sue’s post here ?