Theatre Review: BROKEN ENGLISH


HNS had the opportunity to go and watch the short play ‘Broken English’ at the Tristan bates Theatre /Actor Centre in the west end of London during its short run in January. The play is about the evolution of racism, prejudice, and sexism in its various forms. These themes resonate throughout the centuries in the UK, USA and Europe, and through a satirical point of view, spoken word poetry, music and comedy and engaging in the dialogue of diversity. The play offers a constant exploration in society then and now, throughout different eras in history and its affect through communication with the various characters involved. 

‘Broken English’ stars Jahmar Ngozi, Sam Burnard, Jake Bryan-Amaning and Rose-May Jones, and they all bring vibrant and interesting takes on the subject matter. Playwright Jahmar Ngozi brings a different perspective to how cultural diversity is, and the actors make you think about the subject matter on how things have truly improved and for the better.


(From Left to Right) Actors-Rosie-May Jones, Jahmar Ngozi, HNS-Domingos Coxi, Jake Bryan-Amaning


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