What We’re Planning to Read For Asian Lit Bingo Challenge


During May is the Asian American Heritage Month! Together with a couple of bloggers, we are hosting #AsianLitBingo.  Asian Lit Bingo is a reading challenge aimed to support books with Asian main characters by Asian authors. 

The project was created by Shenwei from READING (AS)(I)AN (AM)ERICA. You can visit their blog for more details about the challenge.

Today, I’ll be sharing what’s on my to-be-read pile for the challenge. I’m a sporadic reader, but I will try to participate in spirit as much as I can. You can also see the rules below along with a visual image guide.

General Rules for Qualifying Books:

  1. Book must have an Asian main character (can be one of several main characters) and be by an Asian author to qualify. It does not have to be #ownvoices, but #ownvoices is strongly encouraged.
  2. Book can be a novel/novella/novelette or comic book/graphic novel.
  3. Book must be read during May 1st through May 31st to qualify.
  4. Review link-up will close end of June 1st at midnight PDT. The extra margin is to give people the opportunity to write up a review for a book they might have finished late May 31st. We’ll follow the honor system assuming you didn’t read the book on June 1st.

Contemporary with Asian MC

Historical Fiction with Asian MC

SFF with Asian MC