15 LGBTQ Books That We Want to Read For Pride Month


June is officially LGBT Pride Month. It was chosen to commemorate the Stonewall riots. Ever since 1969, there’s been progress, though we still have a long way to go. One of the changes is the growth of LGBTQIAP books. Sometimes, it feels like there’s not enough books for every spectrum. That’s completely right and valid, but please also remember to support those voices that are already out there. 

Today, Hollywood News Source is sharing some of the books we’re excited to read. This list is perfect for readers who are looking to bulk their TBR.

Besides from this collection, Brandy Colbert has an upcoming book with a bisexual main character titled Little & Lion. It’s set to be released on August 8th from Little Brown. Malinda Lo is also making a comeback with A Line in the Dark. It’s been dubbed as story of love, loyalty, and murder. 

You can check our list below:

No More Heroes by Michelle Kan (February 2017 by Fish & Swallow Publications)

The peaceful nights are kept under the clandestine and watchful eye of young, gifted vigilantes the world over. But a sudden rash of vigilante deaths heralds the arrival of a new and unfamiliar enemy – one whose motive is as unclear as their identity. Someone or something seems determined to disturb the peace, and they’re going straight for the watchmen to do it. In a city where those who are gifted make up their own rules, who will step forward when the threat of a swift end is real and there stands so little to gain?

No More Heroes is an urban fantasy action/adventure novel about young, would-be heroes who get more than they bargained for when they delve deeper into a world they never knew they were a part of. Featuring a diverse cast of players, discord, a mystery to be solved, plenty of literary action and high-stakes battles, No More Heroes is a story about self-belief and camaraderie, persistence in the face of trials, and what it means to be the best version of yourself.

Why we want to read it: I rarely read urban fantasy now, but when I first heard No More Heroes I immediately knew this is the book for me. I’m totally here for the action, and the promise of knitted group of vigilantes. 

Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera (January 18th 2016 by Riverdale Avenue Books)

Juliet Milagros Palante is leaving the Bronx and headed to Portland, Oregon. She just came out to her family and isn’t sure if her mom will ever speak to her again. But Juliet has a plan, sort of, one that’s going to help her figure out this whole “Puerto Rican lesbian” thing. She’s interning with the author of her favorite book: Harlowe Brisbane, the ultimate authority on feminism, women’s bodies, and other gay-sounding stuff.

Will Juliet be able to figure out her life over the course of one magical summer? Is that even possible? Or is she running away from all the problems that seem too big to handle?

With more questions than answers, Juliet takes on Portland, Harlowe, and most importantly, herself.

Why we want to read it: Roxane Gay gave this book four stars. There’s been a buzz and accolades about the writing and Puerto Rican lesbian representation. Though, please proceed with caution: there was a specific anti-Native line at the beginning of the book.  I’m expecting an emotional exploration of self identity, love, and sexuality. I hope Rivera will deliver that.  

Don’t Tell My Mother by Brigitte Bautista (April 23rd 2017 by Spark Books, an Anvil Publishing)

With an overly zealous mother as her guide, 19-year-old Sam has never had problems navigating through Christian suburbia before. But, all that changes when she befriends and becomes intrigued with Clara, her widowed neighbor and the village’s social outcast. When their friendship grows into the “unnatural”, Sam is forced to examine her upbringing and come to terms with who she really is.

Why we want to read it: Excited wouldn’t be suffice to describe my anticipation for Bautista’s debut novel. If I’m not mistaken, it’s the first #ownvoices Filipino f/f. The premise hints a coming out story laced with a common grief for queer young ladies that grew up in a Christian community.  I can’t wait to see the intersection of faith, and culture play out in the sexuality representation.

The Second Mango by Shira Glassman (September 30th 2016)

Queen Shulamit never expected to inherit the throne of the tropical land of Perach so young. At twenty, grief-stricken and fatherless, she’s also coping with being the only lesbian she knows after her sweetheart ran off for an unknown reason. Not to mention, she’s the victim of severe digestive problems that everybody thinks she’s faking. When she meets Rivka, an athletic and assertive warrior from the north who wears a mask and pretends to be a man, she finds the source of strength she needs so desperately. Unfortunately for her, Rivka is straight, but that’s okay — Shulamit needs a surrogate big sister just as much as she needs a girlfriend. Especially if the warrior’s willing to take her around the kingdom on the back of her dragon in search of other women who might be open to same-sex romance. The real world outside the palace is full of adventure, however, and the search for a royal girlfriend quickly turns into a rescue mission when they discover a temple full of women turned to stone by an evil sorcerer.

Why we want to read it: I’ve been meaning to read this ever since one of my favorite blogger from Tumblr recommended it. In my head, I’ve been casting it as Lumatere Chronicles just gayer. I plan to binge it SOON. 

We Are Okay by Nina Lacour (February 14th 2017 by Dutton Books for Young Readers)

You go through life thinking there’s so much you need…

Until you leave with only your phone, your wallet, and a picture of your mother.

Marin hasn’t spoken to anyone from her old life since the day she left everything behind. No one knows the truth about those final weeks. Not even her best friend, Mabel. But even thousands of miles away from the California coast, at college in New York, Marin still feels the pull of the life and tragedy she’s tried to outrun. Now, months later, alone in an emptied dorm for winter break, Marin waits. Mabel is coming to visit, and Marin will be forced to face everything that’s been left unsaid and finally confront the loneliness that has made a home in her heart.

Why we want to read it: I’m getting the gist this book is going to destroy me. I’m putting “sad” books in my backlist for a while, but I intend to read this eventually. I’m curious about the lyrical ambiance of We Are Okay.

Timekeeper by Tara Sim (November 8th 2016 by Sky Pony Press)

Two o’clock was missing.

In an alternate Victorian world controlled by clock towers, a damaged clock can fracture time—and a destroyed one can stop it completely.

It’s a truth that seventeen-year-old clock mechanic Danny Hart knows all too well; his father has been trapped in a Stopped town east of London for three years. Though Danny is a prodigy who can repair not only clockwork, but the very fabric of time, his fixation with staging a rescue is quickly becoming a concern to his superiors.

And so they assign him to Enfield, a town where the tower seems to be forever plagued with problems. Danny’s new apprentice both annoys and intrigues him, and though the boy is eager to work, he maintains a secretive distance. Danny soon discovers why: he is the tower’s clock spirit, a mythical being that oversees Enfield’s time. Though the boys are drawn together by their loneliness, Danny knows falling in love with a clock spirit is forbidden, and means risking everything he’s fought to achieve.

But when a series of bombings at nearby towers threaten to Stop more cities, Danny must race to prevent Enfield from becoming the next target or he’ll not only lose his father, but the boy he loves, forever.

Why we want to read it: I’m a fail because I’ve been reading to read Timekeeper since last year but I haven’t gotten around it yet. I really love the aesthetic of the cover and I’m hoping that matches the vibe of the plot.

Chameleon Moon by RoAnna Sylver (October 11th 2016)

The city of Parole is burning. Like Venice slips into the sea, Parole crumbles into fire.

The entire population inside has been quarantined, cut off from the rest of the world, and left to die – directly over the open flame. Eye in the Sky, a deadly and merciless police force ensures no one escapes. Ever. All that’s keeping Parole alive is faith in the midst of horrors and death, trust in the face of desperation… and their fantastic, terrifying, and beautiful superhuman abilities.

Regan, stealth and reconnaissance expert with a lizard’s scales and snake’s eyes, is haunted by ten years of anxiety, trauma and terror, and he’s finally reached his limit. His ability to disappear into thin air isn’t enough: he needs an escape, and he’ll do anything for a chance. Unluckily for him, Hans, a ghostly boy with a chilling smile, knows just the thing to get one. It starts with a little murder.

But instead of ending a man’s life, Regan starts a new one of his own. He turns away from that twisted path, and runs into Evelyn, fearless force on stage and sonic-superheroic revolutionary on the streets. Now Regan has a choice – and a chance to not only escape from Parole, but unravel the mystery deep in its burning heart. And most of all, discover the truth about their own entwining pasts.

They join forces with Evelyn’s family: the virtuosic but volatile Danae, who breathes life into machines, and her wife Rose, whose compassionate nature and power over healing vines and defensive thorns will both be vital to survive this nightmare. Then there’s Zilch, a cool and level-headed person made of other dead people, and Finn, one of Parole’s few remaining taxi drivers, who causes explosions whenever he feels anything but happy.

Separately they’d never survive, much less uncover the secret of Parole’s eternally-burning fire. Together, they have a chance. Unfortunately, Hans isn’t above playing dirty, lying, cheating, manipulating… and holding Regan’s memories hostage until he gets his way.

Parole’s a rough place to live. But they’re not dead yet. If they can survive the imminent cataclysmic disaster, they might just stay that way…

Why we want to read it: People on Twitter told me this series is a fantastic series, I haven’t read it yet but the synopsis speaks to me. I’m crossing my fingers for a great character dynamics and possible romance.

Ascension by Jacqueline Koyanagi (December 4th 2013 by Masque Books)

Alana Quick is the best damned sky surgeon in Heliodor City, but repairing starship engines barely pays the bills. When the desperate crew of a cargo vessel stops by her shipyard looking for her spiritually advanced sister Nova, Alana stows away. Maybe her boldness will land her a long-term gig on the crew. But the Tangled Axon proves to be more than star-watching and plasma coils. The chief engineer thinks he’s a wolf. The pilot fades in and out of existence. The captain is all blond hair, boots, and ego . . . and Alana can’t keep her eyes off her. But there’s little time for romance: Nova’s in danger and someone will do anything–even destroying planets–to get their hands on her.

Why we want to read it: I’m not a huge SFF reader, but I’m trying to rectify that by challenging myself to read more from this genre. Ascension has been highly recommended. I hope I’ll like it.

A Taste of Honey by Kai Ashante Wilson (October 25th 2016 by Tor.com)

Long after the Towers left the world but before the dragons came to Daluça, the emperor brought his delegation of gods and diplomats to Olorum. As the royalty negotiates over trade routes and public services, the divinity seeks arcane assistance among the local gods.

Aqib bgm Sadiqi, fourth-cousin to the royal family and son of the Master of Beasts, has more mortal and pressing concerns. His heart has been captured for the first time by a handsome Daluçan soldier named Lucrio. in defiance of Saintly Canon, gossiping servants, and the furious disapproval of his father and brother, Aqib finds himself swept up in a whirlwind romance. But neither Aqib nor Lucrio know whether their love can survive all the hardships the world has to throw at them.

Why we want to read it: I’ve heard so many great things about Wilson’s writing, I also have his The Devil in America in my list. A story set in a medieval era featuring royalties? Count me in. There’s a heavy hint in forbidden romance. Just my luck, that’s one of my favorite tropes.

Signal Boost by Alyssa Cole (May 4th 2015 by Carina Press) 

When technology stopped working, the world as they knew it ended.

In a secluded cabin, John and his loved ones have survived. He should feel grateful. But his family is in his face 24/7, he has to watch his best friend, Arden, and brother, Gabriel, flaunt their love, and as a techie in a Luddite world he’s pretty much useless. The cabin is brimming with people, but he feels utterly alone.

Until he catches Mr. Tall, Blond and Gorgeous raiding their garden. Mykhail is an astrophysics student, he makes John’s gaydar ping like crazy and he thinks he knows what caused the devastation. He’s on a journey to his university to find answers, and John invites himself along. Partly to get out of the house, and partly because he can’t let Mykhail go without acting on the mutual attraction that’s so obvious even John’s mom is playing matchmaker.

The closer they get to campus, the more Mykhail lets down his walls. But with answers come secrets both devastating and deadly, and before they can save the world, they’ll have to save themselves.

Why we want to read it: This is the second standalone book in Off the Grid series. I read the first installment earlier this year and I fell in love with Cole’s writing. She’s the master of shaping characterization and romance.

At Her Feet by Rebekah Weatherspoon (September 17th 2013 by Bold Strokes Books)

During a night of Web surfing for celeb gossip and masturbatory material, digital marketing producer Suzanne Kim stumbles across an intriguing thread while checking her profile on kinklife.com. Suzanne isn’t exactly looking, but the request for a very specific type of submissive from the attractive mistress, Mami-P, is hard to resist. Though the two hit it off during their first online conversation, Suzanne never imagines how strong their real life attraction and compatibility will be. After a few missteps in training, trust, and communication, Suzanne finds a deep love with her mistress, Pilar.

Overworked and overstressed in her daily life, Suzanne comes to crave their relationship for the visceral escape it provides, but before they can make the ultimate commitment, someone from Suzanne’s professional life threatens to disrupt their perfectly balanced bliss.

**This title includes BDSM and sexual situations some readers may find objectionable.**

Why we want to read it: I’m a fan of Weatherspoon, and it’s my goal to read her entire backlist. I have a feeling I will love At Her Feet, and I’m also eyeing her Vampire Sorority Sisters.

From the Ashes by Xen Sanders (January 2nd 2017 by Entangled Publishing, LLC)

Sociopath. Killer. Deviant.

Monster, devoid of morals, incapable of human emotion. The villain known as Spark has been called this and more, and as a super-powered aberrant has masterminded countless crimes to build his father’s inhuman empire. Yet to professor Sean Archer, this fearsome creature is only Tobias Rutherford–antisocial graduate researcher, quiet underachiever, and a fascinating puzzle Sean is determined to solve.

But one kiss leads to an entanglement that challenges everything Tobias knows about himself, aberrants, and his own capacity to love. When his father orders him to assassinate a senator, one misstep unravels a knot of political intrigue that places the fate of humans and aberrants alike in Tobias’s hands. As danger mounts and bodies pile higher, will Tobias succumb to his dark nature and sacrifice Sean–or will he defy his father and rise from the ashes to become a hero in a world of villains?

Why we want to read it: The cover alone made me add this book on my TBR, but upon reading the synopsis, I know I just have to get it. I love anti-heroes and morally grey characters, and From the Ashes seems to fit the bill.

Hard Wired (Cyberlove #3) by Megan Erickson & Santino Hassell

My FallenCon agenda is simple: sit on a couple of panels and let people meet the real me. Jesse Garvy—mod of a famous Twitch channel and, if I ever come out of my shell, future vlogger. I definitely didn’t plan to sleep with a moody tattooed fan-artist, but he’s gorgeous and can’t keep his hands off me. There’s a first time for everything, and my first time with a guy turns out to be the hottest experience of my life.

But the next day, I find out my moody fan-artist is Ian Larsen AKA Cherry—someone I’ve known online for years. And he’d known exactly who I was while shoving me up against that wall. Before I figure out whether to be pissed or flattered, the con ends.

Now we’re back online, and he’s acting like nothing happened. But despite the distance between us, and the way he clings to the safety of his online persona, we made a real connection that night. I don’t plan to let him forget.

Why we want to read it: I was actually reserving Cyber Love for this month, but I ended up binging the first two books this week. I’m truly hooked. My goal is to read Hard Wired and Mature Content in one go.

Peter Darling by Austin Chant (February 15th 2017 by Less Than Three Press)

Ten years ago, Peter Pan left Neverland to grow up, leaving behind his adolescent dreams of boyhood and resigning himself to life as Wendy Darling. Growing up, however, has only made him realize how inescapable his identity as a man is.

But when he returns to Neverland, everything has changed: the Lost Boys have become men, and the war games they once played are now real and deadly. Even more shocking is the attraction Peter never knew he could feel for his old rival, Captain Hook—and the realization that he no longer knows which of them is the real villain.

Why we want to read it: Peter Darling is an m/m romance retelling of Peter Pan and Captain Hook. That’s a one liner right there. I have high expectations for this.

Upcoming Releases

Tash Hearts Tolstoy by Kathryn Ormsbee (June 6th 2017 by Simon & Schuster)

After a shout-out from one of the Internet’s superstar vloggers, Natasha “Tash” Zelenka finds herself and her obscure, amateur web series, Unhappy Families, thrust into the limelight: She’s gone viral.

Her show is a modern adaptation of Anna Karenina—written by Tash’s literary love Count Lev Nikolayevich “Leo” Tolstoy. Tash is a fan of the forty thousand new subscribers, their gushing tweets, and flashy Tumblr GIFs. Not so much the pressure to deliver the best web series ever.

And when Unhappy Families is nominated for a Golden Tuba award, Tash’s cyber-flirtation with Thom Causer, a fellow award nominee, suddenly has the potential to become something IRL—if she can figure out how to tell said crush that she’s romantic asexual.

Tash wants to enjoy her newfound fame, but will she lose her friends in her rise to the top? What would Tolstoy do?

Why we want to read it: I’ve heard a lot of great things about it. This has been dubbed as a quirky teen novel about Tash who suddenly became an internet sensation. She’s one of the creator and director of the modern remake of Anna Karenina. She’s also asexual. 

I can’t wait to read this plot translate to page and to see the representation.

They Both Die atthe End by Adam Silvera (September 5th 2017 by HarperTeen)

On September 5, a little after midnight, Death-Cast calls Mateo Torrez and Rufus Emeterio to give them some bad news: They’re going to die today. Mateo and Rufus are total strangers, but, for different reasons, they’re both looking to make a new friend on their End Day. The good news: There’s an app for that. It’s called the Last Friend, and through it, Rufus and Mateo are about to meet up for one last great adventure—to live a lifetime in a single day.

Why we want to read it: I managed to snag an e-Arc of They Both Die At the End. Though, knowing Silvera I know this story will make me cry. He’s the master of crafting painfully driven gay tragedies that will either make or break you. That’s why I’ve been holding it off as long as possible. Hopefully, I can read it this month.